Thursday, January 19, 2017

We've started working in our space. The last two days my brother, brother-in-law and four of their friends built a room and some big shelving units. We will soon be able to move in the furniture and decor items we have been stockpiling.My brother, Tom did all the planning and he and Jim had most everything precut so things are going smoothly. I am cleaning and painting while they build. Can't wait to get going.

Friday, January 13, 2017

I'll actually be closing on our Junkstyle South building on Tuesday. By Wednesday we should be in and working on our space. Just can't wait to get started. Mom and I went garage saling today and got a few nice pieces.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Just to tell you how long I've been contemplating Junkstyle South, I bought this chair last Winter. It has seen better days, but I think it can be beautiful. Lilith was looking it over here, but eventually she claimed it as her afternoon nap spot. It is still stored in my spare bedroom (notice a "few" other items?) but she will soon have to find a new spot as I hope to move everything to the warehouse next week. I need that bedroom  back.

My condo is small but I am loving it. Here are some views from my porch.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Junkstyle South Crew

 Here we are - the lovers of design and repurposed furniture. Pictured from left: my sister  Jan Speed, sister-in-law Barb Hansen, me Julie Larsen and Mom Marge Hansen. We are "the crew".

With us in this photo are my niece Ali Adams and her daughter Kali who were visiting from Iowa.

How we all got here is quite a story, but let's just say we are so happy to be together after many years of living a great distance from one another. We all love to decorate and bargain hunt but have seldom gotten to do it together. After living here for a year (during this time I was still doing occasional sales in Iowa during the summer) I realized I still loved to "junk" but had already filled my retirement condo. Not wanting to quit, I started looking for a commercial building that could perpetuate my habit. I finally found one this Fall and will take possession in a week. First off, we will use the space for storing our "finds". As we get some of them repurposed, we will start scheduling sales.

In a future post, I will introduce my brother Tom and brother-in-law Jim. They are both experienced woodworkers and remodelers. We'll be relying on their expertise.

Some of my nieces and nephews are also interested in the same things we are. If they happen to be here visiting they will also be drafted to help.

Friday, January 6, 2017

I'm back with a new business.

I have not been on this blog for a long time. Now I am living in Florida full time and ready to start a new business. For the past four years I was hosting occasional sales back in Iowa in my quilt retreat building. My sister,Jan (A Piece of Work Designs) was a big help with these sales.

Now she, my sister-in-law and mom will be teaming with me in this new venture Junkstyle South. We are four Midwest gals who know what "farmhouse is all about. We also rock Coastal, Industrial, Southern Rustic and a touch of Mid Century Modern. Our passion is to rescue furniture and decor items and them restore and transform them for Central Florida homes. To that end my brother and brother-in-law will also be helping us with construction.

I brought a lot of furniture and salvage items from my farm in Iowa that we will be incorporating into some very special pieces.

We will do some local shows (first one is the New Smyrna Beach Canal Street Antique show March 4, 2017). Four or five times a year we will hold occasional sales at  our new salvage warehouse/workshop in Edgewater Florida. Watch this blog for dates, details and locations. You can also email me with your name and email address and you will be added to our list.

The chair above was rescued at the Mt. Dora flea market and restored by me. You can see how my sweet Lilith loves it.