I told you you'd be the first to get details on our new block of the month. Here they are.
"For our next block of the month (May 2010) we've chosen Lori Smith's Aunt Maggie's Patchwork Quilt. It is 68"X86"
Most of the fabric in this quilt will be from Julie Larsen's first fabric line, Prairie Homefront.
The photo is just a computer mock up. The center backgrounds will be a little darker. The 'side triangles' will all be one fabric. Border corners will be mitred.
This is a ten month program. Along with the first two patterns, you will receive for month one (extra postage will be charged). For the next eight months you will receive only patterns (two per month-minimal postage). Month ten will be completion instructions and border and binding fabric (extra postage again).
We will only be making fifty kits so it is essential that you sign up as soon as possible if you want to be included. The besst way to sign up is to call the shop 712-764-7012. You may sign up by email if you do not mind sending you credit card number."