Monday, December 28, 2009
I don't know how many of you are able to travel and might want to come to the shop. We discovered that our roof was almost ready to collapse due to snow weight. We will be doing repair work this week and business will be disrupted or we might actually have to close. Please call ahead if you plan to visit. 712-764-7012.
Hope you are all recovering from the storm. I'll give you our tale of woe in a few days.
Hope you are all recovering from the storm. I'll give you our tale of woe in a few days.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Yesterday I was busy packing up all the food items our Christmas Open House participants brought to share with some needy families. Eveyone was very generous. While hinking about those who need help not just at Christmas, but all year, I found this Link
It has links to lots of sites that can use our help with quilting/sewing projects (that can use up some of our stash fabrics) and also places who can use donations of fabric, etc. I haven't had time to look at all of them, but I think with some study we could all find good uses for the fabric and supplies we no longer use.
Saturday, December 19, 2009

We will b e demonstrating our little laminated cosmetic bags again today at the shop. I quilted some very nice fabrics the other day and made the bags from these. If you still need to make some really quick gifts, try them.
Thursday, December 17, 2009

I've decided to name the quilts in our Doll Quilts IV series for my nieces. The top one here is #2, Erika which I just finished. The bottom one was the first, Elizabeth. I have eight nieces and five grandnieces, but there is a set of twins in there so it should work out.
Don't forget, you can still get in on this Series - we'll catch you up.
Monday, December 14, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

For Christmas Open House on Monday we put our Christmas kits on sale at 25% off. Because the weather has not been too great, we still have some left. They could make good Christmas gifts.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The blizzard they were predicting actually materialized. We closed the shop for the second time since 1992. Actually we were closed three days in a row for the big storm a couple of years ago. We will open tomorrow as Mardell lives in Elk Horn and can probably get there. It might be afternoon before they clear our roads here in the country.
We were supposed to have our staff Christmas party this evening. Guess we'll try for tomorrow night. This gave me an extra day to decorate and clean house.
Tonight I will do some hand work on a few Christmas gifts. I'm trying to do some embroidery using the satin stitch. I haven't done that since my grandmother taught me to embroider years ago.
We were supposed to have our staff Christmas party this evening. Guess we'll try for tomorrow night. This gave me an extra day to decorate and clean house.
Tonight I will do some hand work on a few Christmas gifts. I'm trying to do some embroidery using the satin stitch. I haven't done that since my grandmother taught me to embroider years ago.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Carol completed the paper doll quilt. We waited a long time for all the fabric to come in. The top photo shows the envelope on the back that holds doll clothes. Some little girl would love this for Christmas and there is still time to get one done.
We had a pretty good turn out for our Christmas Open House yesterday considering the threatening weather. We collected lots of food for the needy and enjoyed the afternoon and evening with old friends.
Sunday, December 6, 2009

We definitely get all wrapped up in our quilting! Mardell had just finished quilting this "sleepover quilt" for Carol and couldn't resist wrapping it around Pam and herself.
I took a rare Saturday off to spend the day with Charlie. It was a nice day and we drove a few miles into Nebraska to do some things he wanted to do.
Thursday, December 3, 2009

At our Open House on Monday the 7th we'll be demonstrating the laminated fabric cosmetic bags, an "origami" bag, baked potato bag and a super fast table topper. there will probably be more ideas by Monday. There is still room in both sessions (2pm and 6 pm) of our workshop, just call to register.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

As soon as we finish filming we'll be making the kits for our Christmas Open House workshop next Monday. Our project is the little "Peace " pillow I showed you last week. I like to design a new hand project each year for the open house.
Saturday, November 28, 2009

We had a good Julefest weekend with soome of the nicest weather I remember for the days following Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I'm also showing a couple of baby quilt bboks from Leisure Arts. Both have several great ideas and like many Leisure Arts Books they are priced well - just $10.95 each.
We'll spend tomorrow on final preparations for Friday and Saturday. We'll open at 9 am each day - as far as I'm concerned, a very civilized hour. Plan to come to Elk Horn and Kimballton for a fun and calm after Thanksgiving experience. Here is a link to more information about about Julefest.
Monday, November 23, 2009

Put some finishing touches on Chritmas decorationg around the shop today. It's early, but we have to be ready for Julefest on Friday and Saturday. The staff gals have started hanging their sample quilts in the Retreat Center. They really have a lot of them this year.
Friday, November 20, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

We got to see more of the Dear Jane quilts from our Corning friends. The top one belongs to Mary and the red one is Carol's. It's been so much fun to see them especially in all the different versions.
Today the paper doll fabric from Windham arrived again. I know many of you have been waitng for it. If you ordered a kit, you should be receiving it soon. I think it will go fast again so call soon if you want some.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

At Quilt Market we saw other bags, raincoats (for both adults and children) and aprons made from laminates. Karen took home a piece to make a coat.
I think we have about seven different laminates right now.
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Today I plan to work on the sample for the first doll quilt in our new series which starts in December.
We now have DVDs of programs one and two from our Quilting with Julie show available for sale at the shop.
Friday, November 13, 2009

Our peace pillow is wool felt on linen. You can't see the back, but it is red velvet.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Nadine finished another new sample ofour popular Shiloh topper. Here's a really nice project that you can actually get done by Christmas. The piecing is easy and doable even by beginners. Because it is a table topper we back it like a pillow and turn it - no batting, no quilting and no binding. We'll help you choose other colors if you are not into blue.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

This weekend we had a great bunch of gals from the York Nebraska area sewing in our Retreat Center. They comoe twice a year and we always enjoy their visit. Once again I was jealous of the time they had together and the amount of work they got done. Next week the quilters will be here from Grinnel. We've had groups of from four to 24 use our center. Just contact us if you'd like more information.
Tomorrow we film the third program in our TV series, Quilting with Julie. It is shown daily on METC's local access channel 99. Because they have had requests they will be selling DVD's of the programs. At this time, you need to contact them. Marne Elk Horn Telephone Company 712-764-6161.
It is definitely an interesting experience. I'm learning a lot.
Thursday, November 5, 2009

The bag must have been made from the toweling that Moda sells to go with this line. We have several different pieces of it in stock.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

We first held this retreat back in 1992 in Atlantic. It was one of the first quilt retreats in Iowa. Shar, Pam and I had been attending a retreat in Minnesota led by Shar Jorgensen. We loved it and decided to try one of our own. We held it in Atlantic for a few years and then moved it to Springbrook State Park. Two years ago we brought it home to Elk Horn. I'll be posting more info about it soon.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009

It was a beautiful day here today - finally it seems like an Iowa Fall. We did a few things outside and just felt the sun.
This evening I started tracing the embroidery blocks for Crabapple Hill's new Fllight of Fancy quilt. There are twelve wonderful redwork bird blocks on Rouennerie's ticking. I don't have a lot of time for embroidery but my Mom has offered to help. Maybe we can each get six done.
Tomorrow I start consulting with a web designer for our new website. I don't know how long it will take to get it up and running, but I hope it is soon. Our greatest need is for an improved shopping cart so we can showcase more fabrics and kits. I'm excited to get it going.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Another of our Corning friends brought her Dear Jane quilt to show us. I have never seen one done all in blue - it was beautiful.
If you are heading to Des Moines for the AQS Show consider stopping to see us if we're on your way. We're having a special sale in the retreat center today, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. If you need us to open early or stay late call us during business hours to make arrangements.
Even if you are not going to Des Moines, you are welcome to take part in the sale.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Here's our Lincoln Commemorative top after I got it pieced - not the best photo, but I really like the quilt. These ten weeks really flew by - can't believe it is done already.
Yesterday Carol visitied us and brought these two recently completed quilts. The pink and brown was made from one of our kits and then she made a blue version, too. It's so much fun to see the same quilt done in two different color ways. I think she said she had completed seven bed sized quilts this year to be Christmas gifts for her children. What an accomplishment.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I finished the last two blocks in our LIncoln Commemorative quilt. I also pieced it together. I think it looks great. I'll do a photo tomorrow at the shop when I can get someone to help me hold it up.
We are really getting tired of all this rainy weather. We usually have a nice Fall in Iowa, but not this year. The farmers just can't seem to catch a break.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I was home today. Charlie just got back from a fishing trip so we cleaned gutters and did a few other outdoor jobs. I also started work on our Christmas Open House project. We've set the date - Monday December 7. We usually do an evening and an afternoon session.
Monday, October 19, 2009

Here's our newest baby quilt. What looks like solid blue is actually chenille. It's a super simple quilt with lots of class and texture.
Pam, Shar and I spent the day moving Christmas samples and fabric from one room to the other. We're always happy with the results shen we get done, but it's a real job.
We're also making room for the French General's Rouenaries line for Moda which should be arriving any day now. We have really been looking forward to it.
Sunday, October 18, 2009

We had another busy Saturday at the shop. People are really starting to work on Christmas projects. I put our Halloween and Fall kits and fabric on sale at 25% off. If you see something in the photo that you'd lilke, give us a call. 712-764-7012
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